Recordable Formatters

DCA's Recordable Formatter is the signal processor for all Blu-ray, DVD and CD recordable formats.

DCA's Recordable Formatter supports the latest specifications, and has an improved user interface and new signal generator encoder. The B1 encoder utilized in the Recordable Formatter provides a clean high quality signal on a single board design, minimizing the cable configuration issues.

The Recordable Formatter was developed with DCA's many years of experience in recordable format generation. It provides the user improved control over the configuration and operation of the LBR during mastering. By using a modular design, each family of recordable format may be purchased alone or together. The same platform can also support pre-recorded CD and DVD encoding, thus eliminating the need for multiple standalone formatters.

The Recordable Formatter application(s) are Windows based with an easy to use and navigate graphical user interface.

The platform for DCA's Recordable Formatter is designed to be flexible so that new formats and specification changes can be supported as they are introduced into the market. And only DCA includes both the recordable and re-writable versions of the specification in a single formatter, saving you time and money.



Hardware Specifications

Output Signal Levels

CD and DVD Formats


  • Signal Low End: -1.5 to 1.5V, adjustable
  • Signal High End: 0 to +4V, adjustable
  • trise and tfall < 1 nsec/V
  • Termination: 50 Ohms, to ground

Sine Wave Wobble Deflection

  • Amplitude: 0 to 1.5V (Peak to Peak)*
  • Offset : -750 to 750mV*
  • Distortion: THD: < -40db (1% max)
  • Termination: 50 Ohms to ground


DVD and Blu-ray Formats Only

Groove Beam (DVD-R/W &DVD+R/W)

  • Signal Low End: -1.5 to 1.5V
  • Signal High End: 0 to +4V
  • trise and tfall "<" 1 nsec/V
  • Termination: 50 Ohms, series on board

For more information, refer to the brochure or contact sales.