HFM Decoder
DCA's EFM Decoder provides simple, automated verification for LBR bitstreams or any source with TTL level access to the raw data.
EFM Decoder takes care of demodulation, decoding, HCRC comparison and reporting, and will automatically notify you if it finds a
problem, all before your stamper is ready.
DCA has always been at the forefront of data verification, whether it was the introduction of the industry's first bit-to-bit
verification tool for CD (DVS), integrated signal verification (SVS) or complete format analysis and HCRC comparison (Viper).
Now, with EFM Decoder, DCA brings the power and flexibility of HCRC to bitstream analysis.
EFM Decoder works in two steps, essentially first capturing the data from the LBR return beam path, and second, decoding and
verifying the data against the ‘Gold Reference' HCRC source or DDP.
Integration with DCA Mastering
EFM Decoder constantly monitors the DCA mastering application (MIS 8.20+ or Titan) for incoming jobs. Upon seeing a job start,
EFM Decoder starts capturing the raw data from the TTL inputs. Upon the mastering job reaching lead-out or middle area, it begins
the demodulation and decode process, ensuring that the cut does not need to completely finish before the verification can start.
HCRC Data Verification
Immediately after decoding the user data areas, EFM Decoder starts the HCRC Verification, using the same image or HCRC provided for
the input to the DCA mastering application as the reference source. If HCRC errors occur, the mastering operator is notified with a
message at the mastering station. A complete report detailing the verification can be printed or sent to metadata upon completion
of each job.
Format Ready
Both CD and DVD jobs can be handled without any changes to the EFM Decoder system.
Multiple Jobs
EFM Decoder can capture and decode multiple jobs simultaneously at mastering speeds up to 53 MHz.
Small Form Factor
Knowing that plants are constantly faced with space constraints, DCA delivers EFM Decoder in a space efficient 2U chassis that
fits in most mastering racks. A tower chassis is also available.
Coming With Version 2.0
In 2008, DCA will release version 2 of EFM Decoder which will bring:
- Single stage capture/decode/HCRC comparison
- Near real-time verifications (over 3R DVD)
- Blu-ray format capability
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